Política y utopía en el Tratado sobre el gobierno de la ciudad de Florencia de Girolamo Savonarola
política, utopía, Girolamo Savonarola, Renacimiento, repu-blicanismo.Abstract
The Trattato circa il reggimento e governo della Città di Firenze was written in 1498 by Girolamo Savonarola but it was published in Castilian until 2000. It represents a work of particular importance for political sociology studies for at least three reasons: 1 ) As a of study of a socio-historical analysis of what we now could call “comparative politics” that proposes a civic- humanist republican project such not only has theoretical relevance but also as a popular social movement in the Renaissance that would lead to the fall of the Mèdici in Florence, 2) Because the experience of the Republica del Popolo allows us to explain the importance of critical-utopian impulses in social movements when vertical relationships between decision makers and those who abide could be subverted , 3) Because the influence of Savonarola’s thought in friars of first evangelization of America and in political ideas in the Conquest disputes, allows us a better understanding about certain theoretical proposals and socio-political processes in Latin America.