Variantes de la educación superior. Mitos y fantasías en la elección profesional de los jóvenes


  • Alberto Padilla Arias


the essayaims to take a very brief tour of the historica lbackground of highereducation in the world, in the Americas and Mexico, highlightingits importance at everymoment. Accompany ing this process, itisalsointended to analyze the nature of the national project and its consolidation. Thenitwill be necessary to recognize its diversity of university projects from the lastcentury, untiltoday. Against this background, itis necessary to analyze also the strategy of professiona lselection and its avatars. To finally arrive at some reflections and a balance of the moment in whichwe are and try to give ananswer to the problems of the failure and exclusion of the superior education of they oung people in Mexico in Century XXI.

