Redefinições do trabalho, reforma agraría e soberania alimentar. Revisitanto a luta de clases num ambiente de embates e debates
políticas de manutención, soberanía alimentaria, movimientos sociales.Abstract
A defense is made for agrarian reform without concessions, under the management of workers and protection policies in favor of campesino (farm) families, allowing them to live with dignity and produce with dignity. The food sovereignty flag is added as a movement for the autonomy of the working class. This transposition, as it prevails against fragmentation of the social fabric, leads us to reflect on the scope of the flag of sovereignty and concrete political struggles adopted by campesinos, and how they resonate with the role of society in general and in particular workers. This paper seeks to provide elements for understanding the identity of the working class, emanating from its links with agrarian reform and food sovereignty efforts.