Agricultura familiar, campesinato e agroecología. A experiencia dos productores do Brejal, região Serrana do estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
globalización, campesinado, agricultura orgánica, agricultura familiar.Abstract
This paper seeks to elucidate the process of organizing campesinos (farmers) based in the region of Brejal, in the neighborhood of Posse, district of Petropolis, Rio de Janeiro. In theoretical terms, from the local and international academic discourses, the initial discussion focuses on the notions of family agriculture, campesinos and agro-ecology, and their relations to the processes of globalization. The research focuses on a group of six families organized around agro-ecological production. The questions that guide the development of the work are: to what extent can the campesinos interviewed be considered organic or agro-ecological farmers? Is capitalist globalization, at some point, leading them to become organic family farmers engaging in market-based business activities?