La política alimentaria calderonista y los efectos sociales en el campo mexicano


  • Olivia Acuña Rodarte


This paper deals with a brief analysis of the strategies with regard to Felipe Calderon's government alimentary policy to face the tortilla crisis and the alimentary crisis, originated in the early 2007 and during the current year, respectively. From a balance check up of Fox's politics, it is set up as neoliberal governments, but specifically in Calderon's one, it has centered its alimentary strategy in a series of programmed measures and agreements with companies that control the agroalimentary market in Mexico, becoming in the central actors of the alimentary policy, being these the ones that define the lines to supposedly face the crisis. This situation has blurred the central role that the country producers may in the self-sufficiency. Likewise, we analyze some social effects of this unsuccessful policy, such as mobilizations, escalating prices of food and the poverty's increase.

