Fuego nuevo

Paradigmas de respuesto para el fin de un ciclo histórico


  • Armando Bartra


To start from the fact the straits that have been coming up during the last years within the environmental, social and economical fields conform a systemic crisis that announces the end of a period; we can locate its causes in the so called external contradiction of capitalism arising from treating the man, nature and money as * Profesor-investigador del Departamento de Relaciones Sociales, UAMMXochimilco. fake merchandises. Based on this hypothesis, we analyze the food crisis which origin is in the exhaustion of the agricultural's model in its modality of Green, which sets out the dilemma of assuming feeding as a right or keeping on trying food as a merchandise. We also analyze the recent migrations originated in the periphery as a testimony of the sociodemographic unsustainability of the system; it is manifested in a loss of the so called demographic bond and the dismantling of the transgenerational solidarity of the agrarian society without replacing it for modern systems in the social security. As a civilizing option rather than any other utopia, alternate paradigms inspired on traditional contemporary societies are prop on ed, as the rural World because they didn't alienated to the History, they didn't glorified the future and never assumed at all the Progress and Modernity myths, what allowed them to preserve, into a certain extent, the social solidarity and the harmony with nature. KEY WORDS: systemic crisis, fake merchandises, industrial agriculture, food right, traditional society's migration, demographic bond, trans generational solidarity, alienation, glorification, modernity, progress, abundance, scarcity.

