Estudios laborales y gestión de políticas públicas. Una experiencia de capacidad institucional para la formulación de políticas laborales desde un área pública de investigación


  • Marta Novick
  • Martín Campos


This paper focuses on the linkage between social sciences and public policy through the case of a public office of information production and analysis. The origin and development of the the Technical Planning and Labor Studies Undersecretary at the Argentine’s Ministry of Labor shows the potential and possible obstacles between the academic world and the requirements and needs of a public policy, specially in a critical and changing context like as the one found in Argentina since 2001. The approach to the ongoing academic debate and ideas related to economic and social issues provided the Ministry of Labor with the conceptual framework to understand the economic growth process and the subsequent strengthening of the labor market. At the same time, trough the contact with the public policy environment the researchers could make an evaluation about several ideas and proposals and also learn about the public policy formulation process.

